Tuesday 12 June 2012

The fast and the furious

When I was in hospital there were days when it was easy to forget what all the lying down, all the seconds, minutes and hours of seemingly doing nothing were good for. I complained little during that time but when  impatience took over  people used to tell me to enjoy. Enjoy the quiet and the hours of rest because - symphatetic look from the side - it would ALL change once the twins arrive. 6 months later I know that they were right. It did indeed all change...Gone are the hours of quietness and rest - Wait - what was that word again?! I believe I was forced to erase it from my vocabulary - has become a rarity which is not even guaranteed at nighttime anymore. I once read a book written by a single mom who said that she would give her right kidney for a night of uninterrupted sleep. Agreed. 100%. Count my kidneys in. Both.

But at the time I could not enjoy the novelty of rest any longer. I wanted the tiny dancers out. After 9 months and 20 kilos of gained weight I wanted to see, touch, feel, talk to what had been part of me for so long. 

And so - surprise, surprise - they arrived and 6 months later here we are and they are slowely but surely on the move. You know the deal - first they turn from back to stomach, - and you already think that this is amazing - but then comes chapter two and they start to turn and turn until you find them in any possible corner of the living room or.....the bedroom floor. Yes Nele, there you were. Only a week ago. It was a 5 second thing but it happened. I had put on her on my bed only to find her seconds later that this was not only a bad bad idea but the the impossible. To make a long story -  I turned - and I swear only for 2 seconds - she feel off my bed, cried a lot, I panicked but 2 minutes later we were all fine and relieved and heartbeats slowed down. 

So mobility is the word. And while Noah is doing it slow, rather controlled, being his usual jovial self Nele is quite the Formula One Racer. On sunday I let them move around in their diapers and this must have given them a new sense of mobility. Without clothes on there was room to move and turn and dance and with that Nele turned into a half crawling racing car. I don´t even know when it happened but since then she is on the move. On the move - fast and fearless. Fearless to the point that she already bruised her face and you know what - that one does not even care. She just does not care. Although she does not get far and looks more like a drunken soldier doing some sort field exercise she gets where she wants to get and her attempts are all the same time funny, amazing and scary to watch.

So watch out people of the world. Cause these two are ready to invade.

Byeeeeeeeee mum. See you in a bit.

1 comment:

  1. It's lovely to see the story of your gorgeous twins growing up, Alex. They look so healthy and happy!! Im sure three of you are enjoying each other's company to the fullest. Ok now.. "Nelle go go chase Noah!" :D
