Thursday 12 July 2012

Sleep when you´re dead

I am gonna come straight to the point here. My last few days have been hell. We are trying to change the twins sleeping routine because that momma (aka me) needs less bags under her eyes and more youth to her face but it has been a daily trip to hell. Somehow it is an impossible task to keep the twins awake long enough so that they only have one nap during the day. One nap but a big nap. Afternoon nap. Like you do. But no. Nada. So they nap here and there. Sometimes 45 minutes, sometimes less than that. After, they wake up in a relatively good mood which is nice to be around but which usually only last a short time after our good old mate Mr. Whiney comes along to accompany us until the next nap is due. It is exhausting, it is hard work, it is little fun. In a bit more than a month I will start work. I have already been given my classes, have checked the literature I need - since the headmaster called I have been excited like a child in a candy store. I want this. So much. I want it to work and to be fun and to be successfull. And just as excited I feel, I  am scared. Scared and nervous and sometimes hopeless. The twins are still not sleeping through the night (why oh why oh why???) and even when one sleeps through till the early morning hours (bless you Noah!) there is still another one (oh Nele) that has to be aweful. Aweful and awake. 2,3 sometimes 4 times a night. It is not healthy, not fun and after doing it for the past 7 1/2 months I am fed up. SO it all goes back to the sleeping routine which will hopefully and eventually change and improve.You know the people that say: Sleep when you are dead.?! Yeah. What a lot of crap. I wish they would come over for a week and then apologize. ; )

Sleep is for the weak, mom

I rather play and pull hair and play

Good morning!

Thursday 5 July 2012

A picture is worth a thousand words and sometimes more than this. For me sometimes posting them is all I have time for and so I sit here hoping that they are worth a thousand words... enough to show, express and explain. I wish I could write more. I wish I could find time to do the things I love doing but when time is often just  a five minute break and some soya latte you get how busy I am. For now things are the way they are. Days are the way they are  - unfortunately nights too. But over the months I have come to accept this. It is a phase and a phase is a phase is a phase....Eventually you know it will pass.Until a thousand more words....7 months of Noah and Nele - enjoy <3